Our signature bespoke programmes


Tailored coaching with David Genecand, Soma Breath Master Trainer, hypnotherapist and Intuity Healing Practitioner.

Bespoke Metamorphosis

Whether seeking to break free from the constraint holding you back or just knowing that there is more to life than you’re currently experiencing. You are ready for change, you want change and you’ll do everything to get there.

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Imagine breaking free from the monotony of your current life and embracing a new reality filled with vitality, joy, and purpose. My approach to transformation is about more than just setting goals or changing habits – it’s about undergoing a profound and lasting metamorphosis that will allow you to tap into your inner potential and create the life you truly desire.


Para & Quadriplegics

I understand the unique challenges you face in achieving optimal health and wellbeing. But I also see the incredible potential and resilience you possess, and I believe in your ability to thrive.

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Whether you’re looking to improve your physical health, manage chronic pain or cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle, I’m here to provide you with the roadmap and support you need. Together, we’ll develop a customized plan that takes into account your unique needs, goals, and challenges, and helps you overcome any obstacles in your way.



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David is highly experienced in facilitating the 21 days awakening journey for Soma Breath, he has led more than 30 journeys so far. Sign up to get information about the next transformative journey.

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Your Metamorphosis is your greatest gift

•Step into your power and become who you truly are

• Reprogramme your subconscious mind and move beyond protection and defence

• Identify and upgrade your limiting beliefs

• Create the reality you deserve and shift your thinking and your energy

•Reduce stress and improve general health and well-being

• Improve immune system function and increase vitality

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• Activate cellular regeneration for physical and mental performance

• Implement a powerful daily routine using the breathwork and other tools